ícone símbolo da Psicologia

Connecting Knowledge and integrating practices

It is with great enthusiasm that we announce the realization of the I International Congress of Practices and Research in Psychology together with the XIV Psychology Week of CMMG, from August 26 to 29, 2024, at the Faculdade Ciências Médicas de Minas Gerais (FCMMG).

This year we will seek to open spaces for reflection on the commitment to the promotion of psychological practices that are inclusive, contextualized and socially relevant. In this perspective, the theme for this year will be Connecting Practices and Knowledge.

Objectives of the Event

To promote interdisciplinary dialogue: Recognizing the complexity of contemporary challenges, we seek to foster dialogue between different areas of knowledge, emphasizing collaboration and integration aimed at empowering individuals and communities.

To broaden the understanding of subjectification processes: By promoting a broader and more inclusive understanding of the diverse ways in which people constitute themselves and relate to the world around them, in order to expand the reach of our professional care practices.

To highlight contextualized professional practices: Recognizing the diversity of contexts in which Psychology professionals work, we seek to highlight contextualized and politically engaged practices, capable of responding to the specific demands of each territory.

To encourage interprofessional practice: Recognizing the importance of collaboration between professionals from different areas, this event aims to encourage partnerships and dialogues that can enrich and empower care practices and the promotion of citizenship.

Thematic Axes

Culture and Diversity: this axis seeks to broaden the understanding of the diverse ways in which people constitute themselves and relate collectively and with the institutions that permeate their experiences. By encompassing discussions that intersect themes of gender, ethnic-racial relations, class, sexuality, institutions, we seek to promote a dialogue that recognizes human diversity. We understand that culture plays a fundamental role in the formation of subjectivities and, therefore, in exploring these intersections, we seek to problematize the norms that engender and reiterate social inequalities and injustices.

Practices and Research in Diverse Contexts: it focuses on the recognition of the breadth and diversity of contexts in which Psychology is present. By addressing topics such as professional practice in different fields and specialties of Psychology, peripheral territories, expanded clinics, formal and informal intervention spaces, social movements, groups and collectives, we seek to highlight the importance of a political and contextualized approach in psychosocial practice. We understand that demands are produced by the social, political, economic and cultural context. Therefore, this axis provides a space for the exchange of experiences and research on emancipatory network practices in different territories.

Psychology and Interprofessional Challenges: This axis addresses the importance of collaboration and integration between professionals from different areas to address contemporary challenges. By addressing interdisciplinary practice in areas such as clinical, social, psychological assessment, organizational and others, this axis highlights the importance of a practice in line with comprehensive care and health promotion. This axis is articulated with interprofessional practice in the field of public policies, the private sector, the third sector and social movements, emphasizing the need for partnerships and dialogues between different professionals.

We hope that the 1st International Congress of Practices and Research in Psychology and the 14th Psychology Week of CMMG will be spaces for academic enrichment, exchange of experiences, and the building of collaborative networks that can contribute significantly to the advancement of Psychology and the well-being of the communities it serves.


DAY 26/08

  • 07:00pm to 10:00pm

    Workshop 1: Theme chosen by students

    Workshop 2: Sexuality (Speaker: Bruna Belo)

    Workshop 3: Dissident women (Speaker: Angelica Ines Díaz)

    Workshop 4: Theme chosen by students

DAY 27/08

  • 05:00pm to 06:15 pm

    Oral Communication Presentation

  • 06:15pm to 07:00pm

    Opening Reception

  • 07:00pm to 07:30 pm

    Opening Ceremony

  • 07:00pm to 07:40pm

    Remarks by authorities
    Cultural presentation IN THE FOYER

  • 07:40pm to 08:45pm

    Opening Conference

    Lecture 1

    THEME: Connection of Knowledge and Practices

    Angélica Inês Diaz (Universidade de Córdoba)

    Maria do Carmo - Vice Rector of Teaching Assistance Integration at the FCMMG

  • 08:50pm to 10:00pm

    TEMA: Love choices and the decolonization of affections

    Lecture 1. Traps of romantic chemistry - Bruno Cardoso

    João Henrique de Sousa Santos (FCM-MG)

DAY 28/08

  • 04:00pm to 04:50pm


  • 05:00pm to 06:30pm

    PANEL 2

    THEME: Perspectives and Challenges in Palliative Care

    Patrícia Coelho - Nurse, Catholic University of Porto (Universidade Católica de Porto)
    Gláucia Tavares - Psychologist
    Munir Murad- Doctor

    Marília Aguiar

  • 00:30pm to 10:00pm

    PANEL 3

    THEME: Feminism, LGBTphobia and racism: issues for evidence-based practices?

    Bruno Reis - Psychologist
    Diana Camera - Psychologist

    Renata Saldanha (CMMG)

  • 08:50pm to 09:30pm


  • 09:30pm to 10:00pm

    Award presentation and closing ceremony

DAY 29/08

  • 07:00pm to 10pm

    Partnership FELUMA Theater presenting the play "BANHO DE SOL" (RECREATION TIME)

    SYNOPSIS: Over the course of a year, four theater teachers occupied a female penitentiary complex once a week, during the two-hour recreation period. This work is about this encounter. An invitation to the public to cast a gaze upon the windows that were opened through art, causing the reality of these women deprived of liberty to echo beyond those walls.


    PRODUCTION: Zula Cia. de Teatro
    DIRECTION: Mariana Maioline e Talita Braga


  • Palestrante Bruno Reis

    Bruno Reis

    Psychologist (CRP 06/93277) from U.P Mackenzie. Specialist in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CETCC). Trained in Schema Therapy (Wainer Psychology/NY Institute of Schema Therapy).

    Has 10 years of experience in the public sector, where he worked in a missing person's police station, a community center, basic health units (UBS), and a Psychosocial Care Center for alcohol, crack, and other drugs (CAPS-AD).

    Works as a Psychologist and clinical supervisor, professor in the postgraduate program at the Albert Einstein Hospital, and courses at Wainer Psychology. Member of the Afro-centered psychology study group in the Lusophone world at P&A. In the corporate sector, he is a consultant professor at Korn Ferry and gives lectures and training for companies such as Natura, SENAC, the Brazilian Bar Association, and the Brazilian Navy.

    Musician and Samba Practitioner by family tradition.

  • Palestrante Patricia Coelho

    Patricia Coelho

    Nursing Graduate. Specialist Nurse and Master's in Medical-Surgical Nursing. Postgraduate in Bioethics, Postgraduate in Palliative Care. Doctorate in Nursing in Palliative Care. Postgraduate in Health Quality Management, with a specialization in Inpatient Units. Currently, she is part of the Postdoctoral program in Bioethics at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.

    She has been a Nurse since the year 2000 and has worked predominantly in palliative care, with particular emphasis on the 10 years she worked in the palliative care service at the IPO Porto. From 2009-2023, she served as a full-time Invited Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of Portugal, in Porto.

    Currently, she is an Professor at the Nursing School of Porto. She is part of the CINTESIS research unit of the NursID group and collaborates on various projects, being the coordinator of the thematic area designated as MAIEC & compassionate communities, of the Evaluation, Intervention and Community Empowerment Model (MAIEC) Laboratory.

    She participated as a collaborator in an international project of the European Association for Palliative Care - EAPC. She is a Collaborator of the Portuguese Observatory of Palliative Care, where she has participated in several projects.

  • Palestrante Diana Camera

    Diana Camera

    Psychologist graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a master's degree in Health Psychology from UFRJ

    Training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Schema Therapy and Sexual Cognitive Therapy

    Works as a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and professor

    Founding member of CBT for minorities

    Studies sexual complaints and stressors of sexual and gender minorities

  • Palestrante Glaucia Tavares

    Glaúcia Tavares

    Clinical Psychologist, Master's in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine of UFMG

    Co-coordinator of the Palliative Care course at FCMMG, co-founder and president of API - Support Network for (Ir)Recoverable Losses

    Certified by the TAOS Institute in Collaborative and Dialogic Practices, member of the board of directors of ABMLuto- Multiprofessional Association of Grief.

  • Palestrante Marília Aguiar

    Marília Ávila de Freitas Aguiar – CRP 4723/04

    CRP 4723/04. Doctor of Child and Adolescent Health Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine of UFMG, Master in Clinical Psychology from PUC SP, certified in Dialogic and Collaborative Practices by Interfaci/Taos Institute.

    Member of the Psychology committee and the postgraduate GT of ANCP, National Academy of Palliative Care, coordinator of the Specialty Committees of SBPO, Brazilian Society of Psycho-oncology, vice-president of ABMLuto, Brazilian Multiprofessional Association on Grief, member of the board of directors of the Api Network, Support for (Ir)Reparable Losses, founding member of ABEPS, Brazilian Association for Suicide Studies and Prevention, member of the Emotional Health Committee of the Oncogenic Institute.

    Coordinator of the Distance Learning Postgraduate Program in Psycho-oncology and co-coordinator of the Distance Learning Postgraduate Program in Palliative Care, both by the Postgraduate Medical Sciences MG. Professor of postgraduate programs in Palliative Care, Psycho-oncology, Hospital Psychology and Suicidology and Self-destructive Processes.

  • Palestrante Paula Gonzaga

    Paula Gonzaga

    Doctor of Psychology; Professor in the Psychology Department and the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Minas Gerais.

    Co-coordinator of the Teaching, Research and Extension Center - Connections of Knowledge; Coordinator of the Latin American Social Psychology League

    Tutor of the Pet-Connections of Knowledge; Coordinator of Gepsila - Extension group on abortion and Psychology in Latin America; Member of the Human Rights Commission of the Federal Council of Psychology.

  • Palestrante Bruno Cardoso

    Bruno Luiz Avelino Cardoso

    Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Postgraduate Program in Psychology: Cognition and Behavior at UFMG. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies and Interventions in Cognitive and Contextual Therapies (LaEIC-UFMG). Certified therapist by FBTC. President of the Brazilian Association of Schema Therapy. Has training in Teaching and supervision of CBT, CBT for couples, and affirmative CBT for LGBT people from the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy (Philadelphia, USA).

    PhD in psychology (social behavior and cognitive processes) from UFSCar, with a sandwich period at The Pennsylvania State University and support from FAPESP. Master's in psychology (clinical and health processes) from UFMA. Specialist in cognitive-behavioral therapy from the WP Institute (IWP/Faccat) and in human sexuality from the Child Behavior Institute of Miami.

    Training in Schema Therapy (Wainer/NYC Institute for Schema Therapy) and in Schema Therapy for Couples (ITPC). Supervisor of clinical practice and author of books and resources in the areas of cognitive and contextual therapies, schema therapy, and relationships.

  • Palestrante Hugo Bento

    Hugo Bento


  • Palestrante Angélica Inés Díaz

    Angélica Inés Díaz


  • Palestrante Maria do Carmo

    Maria do Carmo


  • Palestrante Mariana Magalhães

    Mariana Magalhães

    Graduated in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2015). Works as a psychologist in private practice. She has experience in clinical psychology with an emphasis on Psychoanalysis. Master’s degree in the area of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature in the postgraduate program in Letters at UFMG in 2019.

    She worked as a clinical psychologist at a Hospital with children and as an educational psychologist at the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Belo Horizonte, serving university students. She currently teaches subjects in the Psychology and Medicine courses at the Faculty.

    Research interests with emphasis on: Psychoanalysis with children and adolescents, Mental Health and Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis and Literature, Psychology and Public Health.

  • Palestrante Munir Murad

    Munir Murad Júnior


  • Palestrante Bruna Belo Ramos de Araújo

    Bruna Belo Ramos de Araújo


  • Palestrante Carolina Medeiros Braga

    Carolina Medeiros Braga


  • Palestrante Mônica Vieira

    Mônica Vieira
